
Growing Your Alpine Strawberry Plants Indoors

With the winters knocking at the door, some people who prefer gardening may consider growing some plants indoors to protect them from the chilly weather outside. Of all plants, one of the most common ones that people generally look out for is the alpine strawberry plants for sale with fresh soil.

Commonly known by their scientific name, Fragaria Vesca, these alpine strawberry plants for sale with fresh soil are generally not found in supermarkets. This lack of sell of the alpine strawberry plants are mainly due to two distinct reasons:

  1. Low productivity
  2. Small size

However, people who love to eat fruits and vegetables for the flavor they produce are sure to love these and look for the alpine strawberry plants with fresh soil. So here comes a million-dollar question – If these alpine strawberry plants are not found in surplus in the markets, can they be grown indoors in the winter? Yes, it is possible to grow alpine strawberry plants indoors in the winter provided one follows certain conditions as mentioned below.

Points to remember to grow alpine strawberries indoors in the winters

  1. Enhancing and expanding the growing season

The alpine strawberry plants that are grown outdoors will cease to produce any more fruits around October. However, this depends on the climate. But, if these alpine strawberry plants are grown indoors, they can continue to produce fruits until late fall and start growing from early springtime. Unlike the traditional strawberries, the alpine strawberries can tolerate more shaded regions. To achieve the best growth of alpine strawberries, one needs to regularly offer at least four hours of sunlight to these alpine strawberry plants.

  1. Dormancy

The alpine strawberry plants should be kept in under 35 to 45 degrees temperature to bring it to the level of dormancy. It is best to keep the alpine strawberry plant pots in a shed or basement where the temperature remains constant during this period. One should not expect to see any strawberries hanging from the plants during this dormant state as they don’t produce any. Unlike the productive stage, the plants should be watered adequately in the dormancy stage not to dry out.

  1. Fertilization in the spring

The plants will bear fruits in the summers in the first year, while the established plants produce fruits in the spring. At the end of the winter, when planning to place the plants outdoors again, add organic liquid fertilizers to boost the growth of these plants. Do not consider keeping the alpine strawberry plants during the frost period.

  1. Container color and size matters

Before planting the alpine strawberry plants, consider the size and the color of the container. One cubic foot of soil should be used for each alpine strawberry plant. Although it is possible to grow alpine strawberry plants in small containers, it is recommended not to follow this policy as it may restrict the plant’s growth and reduce its productivity. Also, avoid choosing light-colored containers for planting alpine strawberry plants as it may overheat the container and destroy the plant roots.


Therefore, it can be rightly said that taking proper care of the alpine strawberry plants is a must if one prefers to grow them indoors in the winter.

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